Transformation Tuesday!

Going through old pictures at the weekend and decided to do a #transformationtuesday . On the left I was 43 years old, I had what I thought was a balanced diet. Ate vegetables along with my meat and dairy, treated myself to the odd walnut whip but didn't feel I overly indulged. Enjoyed my glass of wine but was never a big drinker. Looking back I was doing everything wrong. Unhappy with my weight, my hair was brittle, my skin was always breaking out and I was aging beyond my years. On the right is me last weekend at 60 wearing my 20 year old daughters skinny jeans ! (she was not impressed lol) What changed? At 46 I began my journey of overhauling my diet, getting rid of meat, dairy and processed foods.Turning to a plant based diet, eating lots of organic vegetables and juicing regularly. The excess weight I had never been able to shift disappeared and never came back. My hair became shiny again, my skin began to glow and most of all I was full of energy ! I had put my constant fatigue and lack of energy down to "getting old", at 43!! Now at 60 , 17 years later, I'm always on the go and full of life. Giving up the crap is not easy, I know as I have been there , but the rewards are worth every bit of it. Its not easy looking back sometimes but at least it reminds you how far you have come. Hopefully this will motivate some of you to keep going !
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