About Bernadette

I realised there is nothing special about me. I am an ordinary woman whose life was turned upside down by two different types of cancer.
The stomach lurching experience of being diagnosed with breast cancer was terrifying. It was a painful way to learn the value of health and a lesson I was to learn the hard way. Together with my family I went to hell and back. But, I recovered and now feel healthier than I have ever done. Why? Because I made a few simple changes to the way I lived my life.
In order to help myself through the cancer treatment I channeled all my energy into getting informed on health. Anyone who has confronted a major health challenges in their life will understand my urgent need for more information. After searching out a huge variety of information about diet and health after my second diagnosis of cancer I met Dr. Brian Clement from the Hippocrates Institute in Florida at a seminar and decided to adopt the Hippocrates programme. The Hippocrates Institute has 55 years of experience in helping people heal themselves naturally. Firmly rooted in science, the research from eminent doctors such as Dr Clement , Dr Colin Campbell, Professor Emeritus of Nutritional Biochemistry at Cornell University, Dr Caldwell Esselstyn, a leading cardiologist and Dr Dean Ornish another famous cardiologist found that following a nutrient-dense, primarily plant-based diet can lower our risks of chronic diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer, and can help us to live longer, more vibrant, energetic lives.
Boosting your immune system is just common sense if you want to improve your health and combat disease. Real health was not rocket science or complex like we have been led to believe. The Hippocrates life change programme changed my health for the better, now let me show you how it can improve yours.
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I get many enquiries from people looking for advice on various health and dietary matters .Here I have chosen some of the most popular topics. Click on any of the links to learn more about some of the most popular topics. Remember you can always contact me if you need help at b@changesimply.com