The Blog Awards

I had a fantastic night last night and the Irish Blog Awards. As some of you may know and may have even voted (thank you!) my Change Simply blog made it to the final of the awards. I was bowled over that my little blog had made it so far with so many amazing blogs shortlisted in my category. I really didn't expect to win or even place in the top 3 but to my total surprise I won the silver with the fabulous "Little Green Spoon" blog a deserving winner. I was so hesitant about starting this blog 4 months ago as I thought blogging was for the younger generation, but I have received so much great feedback and have really been enjoying it so last night was really encouraging for me to keep posting more.
It was great to see all the blogging faces of people I follow and my daughter Sarah was star struck with a few of her favourite snapchatters there. There seems to be a great community of bloggers in Ireland who all seem so supportive and encouraging of one another which was so lovely to see. The theme was 1920's and the burlesque show was fantastic. Eathos foods were one of the vendors serving food so I even managed to get a healthy salad to eat! My Hubby Ger, Son Richard and Daughter Sarah came in to offer some support though we did miss Julie as she would have been in her element with all her favourite bloggers in one room. We all really enjoyed the show and I have a list of blogs now that I want to check out lol!. Thanks so much to everyone that voted for me in the public vote, I really appreciate all the support Love B x